2013-04-27 13:18 | W pliku core/pages.php znajdź:
} // end function generatePageParents
i zamień na:
} // end function generatePageParents
/** * Last Added Photo * @return string */ public function lastAddedPhoto( ){ global $lang, $config;
$oFFS = FlatFilesSerialize::getInstance( ); $aFiles = $oFFS->getData( DB_PAGES_FILES ); $iCount = count( $aFiles ); if( isset( $aFiles ) && is_array( $aFiles ) && $iCount > 0 ){ foreach( $aFiles as $iFile => $aData ){ if( $aData['iPhoto'] == 1 ){ $aSort[] = Array( $aData['iFile'], $iFile ); } } // end foreach } if( isset( $aSort ) ){ rsort( $aSort );
$iMax = 2; if( $iCount > $iMax ) $iCount = $iMax;
$content = null; for( $i = 0; $i < $iCount; $i++ ){ $aData = $aFiles[$aSort[$i][1]]; $aData['sLinkName'] = $this->aPages[$aData['iPage']]['sLinkName']; $aData['sAlt'] = isset( $aData['sDescription'] ) ? $aData['sDescription'] : null; $content .= '<li>'.( isset( $aData['sLinkName'] ) ? '<a href="'.$aData['sLinkName'].'">' : null ).'<img src="'.$GLOBALS['config']['dir_files'].$GLOBALS['config']['images_sizes'][$aData['iSize2']].'/'.$aData['sFileName'].'" alt="'.$aData['sAlt'].'" />'.( isset( $aData['sLinkName'] ) ? '</a>' : null );
if( !empty( $aData['sDescription'] ) ) $content .= '<h3>'.( isset( $aData['sLinkName'] ) ? '<a href="'.$aData['sLinkName'].'">' : null ).$aData['sDescription'].( isset( $aData['sLinkName'] ) ? '</a>' : null ).'</h3>';
$content .= '</li>'; } // end for
} return '<div id="lastPhoto"><div class="type">Foto</div><div class="content">'.$content.'</div></div>'; } // end function lastAddedPhoto
W templates/default/style.css dodaj:
#lastPhoto{margin-bottom:10px;padding:5px 20px;} #lastPhoto li{margin:5px 0 10px 0;background:inherit;color:#5d6771;text-align:center;} #lastPhoto .type{margin-top:10px;padding:5px 13px 10px;font-size:1.667em;font-weight:bold;color:#fff;background:#326e9c url('img/menu4_bg.png') no-repeat left bottom;} #lastPhoto .content{padding:8px 10px;list-style:none;border-bottom:2px solid #01476e;line-height:1.5em;text-align:center;} #lastPhoto img{padding:1px;background:#c0bfbf;border:4px solid #eee;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px rgba(48,47,47,.4);box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(48,47,47,.4);} #lastPhoto img:hover{border:4px solid #c9cdce;} #lastPhoto h3{font-size:1.1em;padding:5px 0;} #lastPhoto a{text-decoration:none;} #lastPhoto a:hover{background:inherit;color:#666;text-decoration:underline;} #lastPhoto .price, #lastPhoto .noPrice{padding:2px 0 0;background:inherit;color:#c22463;} #lastPhoto strong{padding:0 2px 0 5px;font-weight:bold;} #lastPhoto .price em{padding:0;background:inherit;color:#666;font-style:normal;} #lastPhoto .price span{color:#666;font-weight:bold;padding-left:5px;}
W templates/default/_header.php znajdź:
<?php echo $oPage->throwMenu( 2, $iContent, 1 ); // content of left menu ?>
i zamień na:
<?php echo $oPage->throwMenu( 2, $iContent, 1 ); echo $oPage->lastAddedPhoto( ); // content of left menu ?>
Ilość ostatnio dodanych zdjęć ustawiamy w zmiennej: $iMax = 2;
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