News from

11% lower prices!!!

We lower the EUR prices for about 11% of all of our products due to high EUR - PLN's exchage rate.

Quick.Cart v3.4 - released!

Stable version of Quick.Cart v3.4 is available. We encourage you to download or buy it and enjoy.

20% lower prices!!!

We lower the EUR prices for about 20% of all of our products due to high EUR - PLN's exchage rate.

Quick.Cms.Lite v2.4 - released!

Stable version of Quick.Cms.Lite v2.4 is available. We encourage you to download or buy it and enjoy.

Quick.Cms.Lite v2.4 rc1 - released!

We encourage you, to test 2.4 rc1 version of Quick.Cms.Lite. It is first candidate to stable version...

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