general.php values are corrupted by ''configuration'' option


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2005-07-12 02:39

When in ADMIN, the Template field shows only 2 options "." & ".."
If you make any changes to the configuration online without making a change to the "Template" field, when it saves, it replaces the value of the "DIR_TEMPLATE" = "./" instead of the standard "default/"

This result is, when you go into the cart, you receive these messages.
No template file: templates/./couriers_select.tpl
No template file: templates/./couriers_select.tpl
No template file: templates/./couriers_select.tpl
No template file: templates/./couriers_select.tpl
No template file: templates/./couriers_select.tpl
No template file: templates/./orders_delivery.tpl
No template file: templates/./orders_delivery.tpl
No template file: templates/./orders_delivery.tpl
No template file: templates/./orders_delivery.tpl
No template file: templates/./orders_delivery.tpl
No template file: templates/./categories_menu.tpl
No template file: templates/./categories_menu.tpl
No template file: templates/./categories_menu.tpl
No template file: templates/./categories_menu.tpl
No template file: templates/./categories_menu.tpl
No template file: templates/./categories_menu.tpl
No template file: templates/./categories_menu.tpl
No template file: templates/./categories_menu.tpl
No template file: templates/./content_list.tpl
No template file: templates/./content_list.tpl
No template file: templates/./content_list.tpl
No template file: templates/./content_list.tpl
No template file: templates/./content_list.tpl
No template file: templates/./content_list.tpl
No template file: templates/./head.tpl
No template file: templates/./footer.tpl

Ulysses Solutions Limited


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2005-07-12 02:41

Sorry - forgot to add the version I am using...

0.3.1 Beta.

I also had the same problem on the previosu version 0.3.0

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2005-07-12 07:28

now works


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2005-07-12 10:49

Hello Treewood,

I just went into the admin area and clicked on SAVE. Now if you try, it does not work. The error as before.

Please try now.

Login = admin & Password = admin

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2005-07-12 22:18

ulysses - edit config/general.php ... and change

$config['dir_template'] = "default/";


No avatar

2005-07-14 05:03

Hello Treewood,

The setting is exactly as you specify when the file general.php is uploaded to the site. But when you go into configuration, it gets displayed with a 2 option list "." & ".." - this means when you hit the save button, the setting in the file general.php changes from:

$config['dir_template'] = "default/";


$config['dir_template'] = "./";


No avatar

2005-07-14 10:45


I have the same problem.

And treewood when you chance $config['dir_template'] = "default/";

is works, but if you chance something in the admin area $config['dir_template'] = "default/"; wil chance to $config['dir_template'] = "../";


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2006-07-18 01:20

Guys - this is no longer a problem with the latest version of Quick Cart


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2006-07-18 02:39

Read the topic below ... (carefully!)

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