Language Error


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2005-07-04 23:06

When i access the shop directly from the Internet Explorer address bar everything works fine but when i open the index.php or admin.php page through a Link such <a href="index.php">shop</a> it shows only Y | Y | Y etc. in the navigation... and not Products, Basket etc... Whats wrong???


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2005-07-05 10:47

i fixed fault.


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2005-07-05 13:26

Can you tell me how did you do that ? I have the same problem.


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2005-07-05 13:54

i already had a session called "lang", so i renamed it and now everything works properly.


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2005-07-05 15:34

What you mean "session called lang" . I have to have polish version because I am from Poland.

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