Product Attributes problem 2 (no products in cart) [wizzud]
2005-06-05 17:08
I have a product attributes problem ..
Ik have the following attributes : (attributes.php)
<?php exit ('NO ENTRY '); ?> Maat$XXXL- Extra Extra Extra Large$1$0.00$0$ Maat$XXL - Exta Exta Large$2$0.00$0$ Maat$XL -Extra Large$3$0.00$0$ Maat$L -Large$4$0.00$0$ Maat$M -Medium$5$0.00$0$ Maat$S - Small$6$0.00$0$ slip_of_string_maat$XXXL- Extra Extra Extra Large$7$0.00$0$ slip_of_string_maat$XXL - Extra extra large$8$0.00$0$ slip_of_string_maat$XL - Extra large$9$0.00$0$ slip_of_string_maat$L - Large$10$0.00$0$ slip_of_string_maat$M - Medium$11$0.00$0$ slip_of_string_maat$S - Small$12$0.00$0$ Slip_String_of_Boxer$Slip$13$0.00$0$ Slip_String_of_Boxer$String$14$0.00$0$ Slip_String_of_Boxer$Boxer$15$0.00$0$ Slip_String_of_Boxer$open string$16$0.00$0$ cup$A$17$0.00$0$ cup$B$18$0.00$0$ cup$C$19$0.00$0$ cup$D$20$0.00$0$ cup$E$21$0.00$0$ cup$F$22$0.00$0$ omtrek$23$23$0.00$0$ omtrek$24$24$0.00$0$ omtrek$25$25$0.00$0$ omtrek$26$26$0.00$0$ omtrek$27$27$0.00$0$ omtrek$28$28$0.00$0$ kleur$zwart$29$0.00$0$ kleur$wit$30$0.00$0$ kleur$rood$31$0.00$0$ kleur$grijs$32$0.00$0$ kleur$pink$33$0.00$0$ kleur$turquoise$34$0.00$0$ kleur$paars$35$0.00$0$ kleur$lime$36$0.00$0$ kleur$oceaan blauw$37$0.00$0$ kleur$neon roze$38$0.00$0$ kleur$neon geel$39$0.00$0$ kleur$zilver$40$0.00$0$ kleur$groen$41$0.00$0$ kleur$oranje$42$0.00$0$ kleur$naturel$43$0.00$0$
Lets say an item has the color (kleur) : rood and zwart (red and black) .. When I choose between those colors and want to add the item to the basket .. It just says "No product in cart" . How is this possible ?
When I make all the attributes aviable with a product , theres no problem, and it is being added to the basket..
Please help :)
Frank B
2005-06-05 18:12
Now I have uploaded the new version ( 1.1).
This seems to work better, but now I have to get all the products in the new 3.0 version (250 products) with pictures.
How can this be done ?
2005-06-06 09:01
v1.1 is for QCv0.3.x only. If you are running QCv0.2.x, the most up-to-date applicable version of productAttributes is v0.5.