
Plugin for Export to flat file or Excel exist or not ?


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2005-06-03 06:27

please let me know if it is done or note a plugin useful to export the database_file in a tab/comma delimited format (or other format) in order to handle this file in Excel or other editor to fill the data's and after that to reimported in Quick.Cart database_file...
Lot of thanks for any help...
I'm looking forward for responses ..



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2005-06-03 08:58

i need that plugin as well..


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2005-06-03 15:47

The plug in will be good add on for quick chart..


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2005-07-15 13:47

Yeah I need this aswell


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2005-07-15 14:04

That would be an excellent addition to this marvellous product. I suggest that a comma delimited file CSV be used to import into the flatfile database. That way, the management of the product listing and prices can be done in Excel and save the file as CSV and import into Quick-Cart.

Is someone already doing this?


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2005-07-15 14:57

ohhh thats great...

I wish I was better at coding php =(

Ray Floyds

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2005-07-15 21:00

anyone ??? I can use a plugin like this !! Dutch Support Site


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2006-08-27 07:25

This would be a great add on, to be able to import/export from a csv or excell file.

Anyone doing ths please let me know


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2006-08-28 02:32

Ok it looks like it does exist. see the following.

can anyone translate.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-08-28 06:21

pog - yes we can translate to english if You want and order


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2006-08-28 10:45

Yes I do, please send me the details on how to order . do u accept paypal?


Avatar: gadmin

2008-08-29 12:38

... I am working on something like that you all need!! ...

If I am right, there is no free possibility and I could not find
anything else, so I am going to continue, because my plan is to SHARE it!!

It is still in very early development stage, so please
give me a few weeks before I can say version 0.1 is "ready" !!
Also it is summer holiday time.... :-)


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2008-09-01 14:33

There is a solution to your problem. Heres how i dealt with it. Before you do anything make a copy of database.
First of all you need to change delimiter in csv files because e.g in db/en_pages.php theres delimiter "$". To do this go to Start > Settings -> regional settings . here we got standards and formats, click on the button right to the rolled up menu. In this window we have before last "delimiter/seperator list" we change it to "$". Approve settings. Then go to database file you wish to change, change its extension to .csv and open it up with Excel. Remember to keep the current structure, if you forget to fill a cell (even with white space) your db wont work properly. Save your file, change its extension back to .php. Change delimiter to default, mine is ";" and thats all. Hope it work well for you guys.

I dont have english speaking version of windows so i could put wrong names of windows in start>settings. GL


Avatar: gadmin

2008-09-01 21:07

Hi bonkZ!

thanks for your kind reply!!!!!

... my mistake, that I did not tell more precisely what I am working on!! :-((

I am trying to implement the whole default Quick.Cart v3.1 php admin functionality into a spreadsheet!
the goal of it would be, that one could make (offline) MULTIPLE add/modify/delete functions
on products and menu items in one time, while the necessary database files generating automatically!

this spreadsheet interface has user friendly, automatically generated drop down list for choosing
menu items-categories-manufactures, so the one does not need to understand the real database structure.
the only "hardening" thing would be the (momently)manual saving of the php/csv files!

... as the Quick.Cart v3.1 php admin interface has that beautiful thumbnail creator option and
my spreadsheet interface could not have it, I will try to manage that through on some perl and imagemagick script.
but this will be a bit later....
until that there will be a middle, semi-auto possibility:
1 - fill up or modify the spreadsheet database
2 - generate the Quick.Cart v3.1 format database by hand or macro
3 - upload them to the server
4 - add pictures through Quick.Cart v3.1 php admin interface
5 - download db/en_pages_files.php and db/en_products_files.php
6 - import them to the spreadsheet
7 - repeat step 1-3 ( or 1-6 if you added pics through php admin interface )

... so thats all for now...
i am not ready yet, but as i will reach the shareable level, i am going to write a detailed explanation.
( ... if anybody is interested in it....?? ) :-))))


Avatar: gadmin

2008-09-01 22:22


the more correct explanation of step 2 is the following:

2 - export the Quick.Cart v3.1 format database with save as or macro


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2008-09-02 11:10

I see. I used my solution once, while adding around 1k products so it was one process. From now on i will have to add product once two week or less so i can do it manually from admin panel.
GL to you.


Avatar: beholder

2008-09-02 23:24

I have a custom php script that converts exported TXT file (I export from OpenOffice) to the db. I import into QC this way more than 4000 products. It's all fine and dandy.

I do not export from QC, why should I.. I just erase all the imported products and categories and re-import them again via the custom php script.


Avatar: gadmin

2008-09-03 00:12

sounds great beholder!! :-)
I would be interested if you would share that script!

...I use OpenOffice also! :-) I mentioned above, I am trying to implement that very nice,
"user friendly" and "user safe" php admin functionality which is included in QC.
... I know I should show you something...
maybe in two days it will be ready!! :-)

after the main functions are working I am planning to use perl to fetch data
straight from the spreadsheet for creating the database files and for doing some styling.
later combined with imagemagick, the picture thumbnails could be generated
automatically from the biggest pic.
if I will be able to manage all this, we could use fully manageable QC through
one spreadsheet with similar functionality like the php admin interface has!!


Avatar: beholder

2008-09-03 01:40

I have some suspicion that my script is too inefficient and too customized to be used for purposes of general QC import. For example, it is customised to cut whole paths to the pics and leave only filenames, there are several customizations like that. It is also customized to be used with certain XLS structure (exported into TXT). I think the script would be quite worthless for you. This is due to the fact that the script uses a wholesaler's XLS list of products with custom structure to create pages and products in QC. I'd be happy to explain this in better detail over Skype, for example.

Also, an administrator creates thumbnails in batch process of any pic viewer/converter, he must have full versions of the pics at hand. He then uploads them to the server by hand in Total Commander.

I am willing to share, but not publicly (this is a proprietary technology and should not be used in the country where I live). If you can develop some non-proprietary script from my work, great. Contact me at the address found on this page:

I can share one key idea of the technology publicly, and that is this:
I create new pages and products with ID 100 and above and it's therefore easy to erase all of them while preserving all other data with IDs below 100 intact. All customisations of the site that relate to the erased products/pages are also lost after the erase. Also, all new products and pages added by hand after the machine-generated e-shop content are lost after such an erase. Obviously.


Avatar: gadmin

2008-09-03 12:35

very nice and pro collection of pugins!

that would be cool if i could reach the level of that collection of plugins with my spreadsheat!!!! :-)))

... I contact you in the late evening by off mail!

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