Securing QuickCMS files and directories


Avatar: microdigital

2012-05-03 19:03

I saw that many websites based on QuickCMS have almost all the directories readable (if you know where a specific file is, you can download it - there is one exception, the database folder, which is protected with .htaccess).

A simple way to protect your files is to put an empty index.html file in every folder - that way, no one can see any files, because the browser will serve index.html file.

» Quick.Cms v4.x


No avatar

2012-06-29 01:09

"A simple way to protect your files is to put an empty index.html file in every folder - that way, no one can see any files, because the browser will serve index.html file."

Yes, this is true. Thank you. I didn't have one of these in my website recently and my ENTIRE directory was readable. Some of my files are private, so this was scary to me until I fixed it with a index.html file.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2012-06-29 08:35

microdigital - all depends from server. For example can you read this: or ? Our hosting provider have default in settings to disable view directories. I think this should be standard in all hostings.

And if your folders are viewable then put index.html or ask hosting provider to disable viewing.

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