Product Attributes problem


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2005-06-02 08:10

Hi !
I just installed the product attributes plugin and it works fine ! Thanks :)
I have a little problem when I am on the administration side in the attributes parts when I write words with an ==> ä it doesn't not accept it.
It's a problem for me the website is in swedish and we need this letter.
How can I fixe that ?


Alpa :)


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2005-06-03 11:03

In templates/admin/attributes_admin.tpl, at about line 70, replace

Array( "sGroup", "regexp", "^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$", "", "$lang[Attribute_groupRequired]" )


Array( "sGroup", "regexp", "^[\\w]+$", "", "$lang[Attribute_groupRequired]" )


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2005-06-04 16:23

Thx Wizzud you're the best ;)

Alpa :)


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2005-06-04 16:57

A problem I've seen with this cart is that fixes like this never end up in the stable tree.

The wheel has probably been reinvented like a hundred times in Quick Cart.


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2005-06-05 01:57

Actually, productAttributes is a plugin that I wrote, and I can assure you that any fixes will be in new any new release. However, I am not about to put together a new release for this alone!


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2005-06-14 20:36

Thanks wizzud...
It works nice with the swedish letters ĺäö.
But if I have a space in the group name, no error is raised when modying the attributes. But the product doesn't get added to the basket when shopping.


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2005-06-15 08:46

Thats why I put the check in in the first place.
However, I can't get it to accept a space at all (admittedly I haven't changed the language away from English, but I can't see why a space should be considered a word character in any other language if its not in English).
I've tried (latest versions of) Firefox, Netscape, Opera and IE and none will allow me to enter a space using the modified regexp.
Maybe it is something to do with the language of the site? I don't know. Meanwhile, even if it allows you to put spaces in the group name, don't!


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2006-05-14 14:29

Wizzud, I have the same problem. I cannot find "attributes_admin.tpl" in "templates/admin/". This is probably because I am using QC version 1.2 and productAttributes_v2.3 and things have changed since the last post here. Actually, I partially solved that by inserting "lang-?.php" in folder "plugins/productAttributes/". Now I can write Attribute/Label in my language, but cannot Group name the same way. It still does not accept it. What should I do?
Thanks in advance!



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2006-05-15 20:06

The regexp is in productAttributes.tpl for QCv1.x.

You could try removing the line beginning ...

Array( "sGroup", "regexp",


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2006-05-15 23:03

Sorry Wizzud, I don't understand you well.
"You could try removing the line beginning ...

Array( "sGroup", "regexp","

Where exactly is that?


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2006-05-15 23:49

At first I tried with templates/productAttributes.tpl and I did not find something like "Array( "sGroup", "regexp",".
Then I found templates/admin/productAttributes.tpl
It works! Wizzud, you are great!
Thank you!

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