2013-04-02 08:00
smtpmail version 0.2 do not send orders to example-mail@gmail.com on freeware quickcart 6.0 with gmail.com can you tell me an example of configuration that work ?
» Quick.Cart v6.x 2013-04-04 21:50
gmail.com is hard to configure with smtpMail plugin. Try to use other address to send emails.
2013-04-05 17:39
I had the exact problem. I've manage to resolve it like this: core/common.php find:
else{ $mError = $oMail -> send ( $sTargetEmail , Array( 'Subject' => '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode ( $sTopic ). '?=' , 'From' => $sTargetEmail , 'To' => $sTargetEmail , 'Reply-to' => $sSender , 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' , 'MIME-Version' => '1.0' ), $sMailContent ); if( PEAR :: isError ( $mError ) ){ if( isset( $bDisplay ) ) return '<div class="message" id="error"><h3>' . $lang [ 'Mail_send_error' ]. '</h3></div>' ; else return false ; }
and replace:
'From' => $sTargetEmail
with ['From' => $sSender also the same thing for
'To' => $sTargetEmail [/ php ], to replace with [ php ] 'To' => $sSender [/ php ] After this everything work
s fine. Best regard, Alex