2013-01-13 23:19 | Admin side: Ordered products images in Order detail page
1. Open core/files.php and find:
// end function getDefaultImage
Add after:
function getDefaultImageOrder( $iLink, $iLinkType = 1, $bLinks = null, $sLink = null ){ if( isset( $this->aImagesDefault[$iLinkType][$iLink] ) ){ if( isset( $bLinks ) ){ } return '<img src="'.$GLOBALS['config']['dir_files'].$this->aImagesDefault[$iLinkType][$iLink]['iSizeValue1']. '/'.$this->aImagesDefault[$iLinkType][$iLink]['sFileName'].'" alt="'.( isset( $this->aImagesDefault[$iLinkType][$iLink]['sDescription'] ) ? $this->aImagesDefault[$iLinkType][$iLink]['sDescription'] : $this->aImagesDefault[$iLinkType][$iLink]['sFileName'] ).'" width="75" /></div>'; } } // end function getDefaultImageOrder
2. Open core/orders-admin.php and find:
$iCount = count( $this->aProducts );
Add after:
$oFile = Files::getInstance( );
In the same file few lines below find:
Replace it with:
.$aData['iProduct'].$oFile->getDefaultImageOrder( $aData['iProduct'], 2, true, $aData['sLinkName'] ).
» Quick.Cart v6.xhttp://qcskins.eu |
2013-01-14 12:04 | nice tip |