Save basket in between sessions?


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2005-05-24 10:03

Now here's a great one:
Customer throws items in the basket, but doesn't want to finish the order at this time. He wants to log off and come back tomorrow to finish the order.

Is that at all possible? I tried to find out where QC stores the basket (cookie?) but couldn't find it... I guess it should be a cookie?


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2005-05-24 14:58

Basket contents are stored in db/orders_products.php - not saved in cookie!
Once your session expires your basket is irretrievable.


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2005-05-26 08:55

Thanks Wizzud!

Stupid question #2: Is it possible to have a not-expiring session? I guess this can be dealt with using cookies?


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2005-05-26 09:23



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2005-05-26 09:36

Hey, I said it was a stupid question :-))))

Thanks mate!


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2005-05-26 09:48

Hm. Cheered too soon. I can't edit the PHP.INI on the server of my hoster, as most of us can't I guess.

So I'll need to keep the session alive some other way... Any suggestions?


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2005-05-28 19:54


If you read the link above that Wizzud quoted, under user comments is a number of ways for you to accomplish what you want.


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