PayMuzo - credit card payment


Avatar: cz-luke

2012-12-11 11:23

Could anyone here implement payment gateway PayMUZO?

» Quick.Cart v5.x


Avatar: interkob

2012-12-11 17:46

Install PayPal plugin and remake it to this one gateway.


Avatar: cz-luke

2012-12-12 08:08

I have ext version, paypal there is. WebPay needs a signature certificate. With that, you do not know.


Avatar: molly

2012-12-16 11:38

Interest too, how leav paypal and add bank acc. transfer or/and card payment.


Avatar: molly

2012-12-16 11:45

It's date , normally, may be invisible. And visible and send with order to buyer after registration and checkout.

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