Makes https plugin available for QC v5.1


Avatar: cang

2012-12-01 17:37

did anybody know how to install the Https for QC v5.1? i can't complete step 9 because don't know what i need to modified. -_-

» Quick.Cart v5.x


Avatar: interkob

2012-12-01 19:16

9 step. Just find the line as shown. Delete that line. Add paste new line there.

In the image I marked the line which you need to delete. Below you see new line I inserted from the instruction.


Avatar: cang

2012-12-02 09:05

Thanks for your reply, but the line that you marked only are on the QCv5.2
in the QCv5.1 you can see there is no line like that instead it is like this


Avatar: interkob

2012-12-02 10:19

look it for approx 20 lines below... this line is in two places. Find "public function generateCache( )" and look somewhere below

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