I've noticed that a my HTML content is having the n replaced with <br />. How can I stop this? Its prooving a real PITA, as it messes up my XHTML formatting :(
<iframe frameborder='0' height='600' width='550' src='http://www.MYWEBSITE.htm'><ilayer src='http://www.MYWEBSITE.htm'><p>This text will only display if your browser does not support IFRAMEs. Please go to<a href='http://www.MYWEBSITE.htm'>About Us</a></p></ilayer></iframe>
and also when inserting XHTML is there another way to insert text rather than the built in html editor? as its now getting annoying
2005-05-22 13:23
mmm you can use Firefox is some cases better and do html handcoding for in firefox the HTMLAREA is not working.
STILL i asked this Q some time ago but i have not heard of a solution to this problem.. or someone has explained why this is happening....
I didn;t found out so if someone could please post something about this??