admin configuration section


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2005-05-10 21:30

when i login to administrator page at the configuration section there is no template list in the drop dwon menu and no extra language list in language drop down menu.
this work on my local server but when i upload that to the eb server it does not work . thanks if some one help me


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2005-05-11 17:58

Do the directories and files actually exist and do you have access to them?


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2005-05-11 23:45

the same problem, no default template , no language, it worked on one server, doesn't work on new one


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2005-05-11 23:48

one thing, '..' sign in place of 'defaul' template, what's the matter?


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2005-05-16 20:13

yes they exist and i have access to them.
i did a trick rename default to Default and put 3 folder there
and then the list show only 2 items.
i did same to language and it work but just only 2 language.


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2005-05-17 17:55

You can try the following.

In core/preferences.php:

- look for function throwTemplatesSelect
- replace the line
if( $lp >1 ){
if( substr($sDir,0,1) != '.'){

- look for function throwLangSelect
- replace the line
if( $i >1 ){
if( substr($sFile,0,1) != '.'){

I suggest you comment out the original lines so that you can revert easily if this does not give you the result you want.


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2005-05-19 22:57

thank you Wizzud for you help it works but just in language section and the same problem about template still remain. i change template folder and its sub mod to 777 but the drop dwon menu still is empty.
looking forward you thanks again


Avatar: delite163

2005-12-22 06:50

How can I configure the admin configuration. I added the new information and saved it but it wasn't saved and I also am missing the template and language in the drop downs. Please help
thank you



Avatar: delite163

2005-12-22 07:01

Hi again,
I made the changes above by Wizzud and it work great the only problem when I added the rest of my information and hit the save button it didnt save the information. What should I do next?
thank you



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2005-12-22 09:52

The link below might help with the dropdowns - read through the full topic before making changes.
Regarding the changes not being saved, check the permissions on your config folder and config/general.php file to make sure they are writable.

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