New freeware plugin - watermarkPhotos v0.1 for QC v4.x

wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2011-11-30 14:11

We've created new freeware plugin to Quick.Cart v4.x.

It gives possibility to add a watermark to photos on your website (while adding it).

You should know PHP basics to install this plugin.

Check out this plugin here:,en,18.html?sDir=Quick.Cart/plugins#watermarkPhotos_v0.1

Good luck!


Avatar: baron_jon

2011-12-26 10:16

have you tested how it works with .png images? in files/ folder the png image looks to be alright (it has watermark), but in products than i enlarge the photo i see the blank white space instead of the watermark.

wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2011-12-28 12:42

If you use .png files on your page and you don't use alpha channel, You can change blending mode in file "libraries/FotoJobs.php" from:

    if( $sImgExt == 'png' ){
imagealphablending$mImgDestfalse );


    if( $sImgExt == 'png' ){
imagealphablending$mImgDesttrue );


Avatar: baron_jon

2012-02-12 09:46

This plugin doesn't work with big watermark's images. I tried to use 640x480 watermark and smaller and no results. This works with small watermarks only. Is there a slotution? I tried on v3.6.

wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2012-02-13 08:19

I think it depend also on your picture size i tried with 800x600 photo and 400x300 watermark and works fine.


Avatar: baron_jon

2012-02-13 08:41

You are right. Watermark must be at least 2x smaller then the image. This is not good. Maybe you know how to make watermark in the center of the image?


Avatar: baron_jon

2012-02-14 08:38

I found.


$iWmSteps = ( $this->iThumbX $this->iThumbY ) ? floor$this->iThumbX $iWmX ) : floor$this->iThumbY $iWmY );

I just needed to change "2" with "1".

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