New freeware plugin - exportProducts v0.1 for QC v4.x

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2011-10-27 11:40

We've created new freeware plugin to Quick.Cart v4.x.

This plugin export products to "csv" file with seperated data by "$" char.
You can import this data to OpenOffice Calc or Microsoft Excell. Remember to set "$" char as separator in this programs.

You should know HTML and PHP basics to install this plugin.

Check out this plugin here:,en,18.html?sDir=Quick.Cart/plugins

Good luck!


Avatar: reklam

2011-10-27 19:04

will u create the import too?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2011-10-27 21:32

reklam - not now ... this is paid option in this time. but maybe in future ...

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