email from orders detail view


Avatar: boboo

2011-07-13 08:29

in the orders list view you can call the mail client clicking the e-mail address in the list.
mayby sometimes you need to do it from orders detail view?
the solution:
find the line:
<input type="text" name="sEmail" value="$aData[sEmail]" size="50" maxlength="40" class="input" alt="email"/>
in templates/admin/order.tpl
and replace it with:
<input type="text" name="sEmail" value="$aData[sEmail]" size="50" maxlength="40" class="input" alt="email" ondblclick="window.location.href='mailto:$aData[sEmail]'+'?subject=$lang[Order] nr: $aData[iOrder] '+'additional text in subject line';"/>

i chose the doubleclick to prevent opening the mail client by single click (sometimes needed if corrections are to do).

now, with double click on e-mail field, the mail client will be opened with filled addres line (customers) and subject - in this example:
"Order nr: X additional text in subject line"

» Quick.Cart v4.x

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