Product-categories select box


Avatar: nik381

2011-06-24 02:46

To forum,
this is kind a suggestion for a new plug-in/extension as it seems more convenient to organize store with easy product categorization from drop-down or select box menu as found on productsForm.tpl - products-form.tpl and categoriesForm
Although I am using one of the previous versions(1.4) I've been reading around forum and couldn't found similar topic and I read through adding new field

here is the illustrative example
<a href="">untitled1.jpg - 127.9 KB</a>

Please respond if interested with any suggestions in order to accomplish that admin functionality-

» Quick.Cart v4.x


Avatar: nik381

2011-06-24 02:52

<img border="0" src="" width="800" height="598">

//Trying to set preview image


Avatar: nik381

2011-06-24 02:56

<img border="0" src=""; width="800" height="598">


Avatar: nik381

2011-06-24 02:57


Avatar: baronjon

2011-06-24 09:10

it's not useful. you choose category by adding the product, why do u need to change it later?



Avatar: nik381

2011-06-24 09:58

Hi, yeas it would be useful if making specials and setting categories for the particular types of products(man/women, size, collection..) those could be managed at product list page..


Avatar: beholder

2011-06-24 14:27

Actually, I have made this mod already. It's called "add to page". I will now check the sources to see if it is easy enough to post here, because I remember I've been doing weird shit on that website with AJAX-like hidden frames posting content and stuff like that.


Avatar: beholder

2011-06-24 15:09

Fuck, it't the complex iframe solution. It's difficult to implement, can't share it here.

But I made a simpler solution before which added a drop-down to every product. Then save added all products that had dropdowns chosen. I still have the code that does that, so you're one leg in the door.

You're using what version and is your QC free?


Avatar: nik381

2011-06-24 15:25

Thank you responding,

My Quick.Cart is 1.4 version(free loaded) and I am very interseted for that product add drop-down to category,
so could you send it on email or you are charging for it?
Sorry I could only offer some domain names if you are interested as I am late with my work and not making a lot these days,


Avatar: beholder

2011-06-24 15:39

Oh, damn, sorry, my solution is for QC 3.0 and above. Not below.

If you need me to work on older version, it must be a paid service.

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