New freeware plugin - deliveryAddress v0.1 for QC v4.x

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2011-02-15 10:49

We've created new freeware plugin to Quick.Cart v4.x. This plugin adds 3 new fields to especify delivery address: Delivery street, delivery zip code and delivery city.

You should know HTML and PHP basics to install this plugin.

This plugin is great "how to" tutorial to extend Quick.Cart with new fields in orders even in products and pages.

Check out this plugin here:,en,18.html?sDir=Quick.Cart/plugins

Good luck!


Avatar: kuzco

2011-02-16 15:57

Have tried this plugin and it is working. Nevertheless I have a question to step8 in the howto:
step 8) edit file "db/orders.php" and add after every line add this code:

For example old line looks like:
2$en$1$1203071372$2$2$UPS$24.00$Transfer$$John$Doe$ABC$Yellow 22$33-333$Cracow$123123123123$$$
After changes should looks like:
2$en$1$1203071372$2$2$UPS$24.00$Transfer$$John$Doe$ABC$Yellow 22$33-333$Cracow$123123123123$$$$$$

Note: You can use search and replace using "regular expression"
- find: \n
- change to: $$$\n

I have done this, but when a new order is saved in orders.php the 3 additional $ are not added to the order.
Is that correct ?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2011-02-17 07:22

if something is not saved then You didn't install this correctly. i've checked all steps and all works ok

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