size's and colors


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2005-04-18 21:36


Is it possible to give each product a drop-down-box which can indicate the size of color?

something else:

How can I add a custom field with an order, like an order-code. I tried editing orders.php and orders-ff.php .. and the tpl files. A code is displayed .. but it has the value of the comment text.

Can somebody please explain this to me.




Avatar: LeoGetz

2005-09-25 22:08

I like some help to, I have a page for selling underwear and I want the people to shoose the size and color of a product. Please help.


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2005-09-26 09:09

productAttributes plugin ... ?


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2005-09-26 19:03

you have to insert the new field in the end of the list in flat file


Avatar: LeoGetz

2005-10-04 11:35

I´ve done that and the only thing that happened was that I got a new field in admin mode.


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2005-10-12 21:02

I downloaded QC from Wizzud ( ) and it contained a plugin to size, color, etc.

You see what my site looks like - hopefully this helps



Avatar: LeoGetz

2005-10-15 11:46

I´ve seen your site now, and it´s exactly like that I want. I´ve uploaded the loaded version now and tested it, but I don´t see where I can make it happen with color or size.


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2005-10-15 12:46

In the Loaded version, or a Base version with the productAttributes plugin loaded as per instructions (and activated if you have pluginManager!):

In Admin click attributes
Click Add
give the group a name of, say, Colour
give the attribute a name of, say, Red
if you need to specify a price adjustment then do so
the next attribute you add will give you a list of existing groups to choose from, or you can specify a new group
add all your colours using the same group
repeat for sizes, specifying a new group name

go to products
for each product, click the applicable attributes that you have set up, and Save



Avatar: LeoGetz

2005-10-15 14:00

I´m very grateful for your help Wizzud, thx


Avatar: LeoGetz

2005-10-15 16:19

Hmmm, I can add attributes, but it doesn´t show in productslist. I´ve tried in the loaded version and it works there. But I downloaded the plugin to try to install it in my 0.3.0 version that is not loaded. Everything works but I can´t see the checkboxes in productlist.


Avatar: LeoGetz

2005-10-15 22:42

I found some problem in the attributes. I want to add a group namned Färger (Färger) and it doesn´t work. I´m from sweden and I want to have those letters. I have added a group namned Color for now because I can´t add it namned in my language. Please help me.


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2005-10-16 16:59

>>leogetz ...


Avatar: stefano

2006-07-11 09:13

Hy all. Before all i'm sorry for my english!!! I've seen a very good site, who manage size and color very well vith change of color with javascript. Someone can help me to make something like this? Thank all.


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