randomProduct - a little change


Avatar: marcinkk

2010-02-10 20:04

A little change for randomProduct plugin ... works better for me. When some product are deleted then the indexes of images and indexes of products are different. Chandes in core/products.php

- original:

foreach( $oFile->aImagesDefault[2] as $iProduct ){
      if( isset( 
$this->aProducts[$iProduct] ) )
$aRandom[] = $iProduct;

- modified

foreach( $oFile->aImagesDefault[2] as $iProduct ){
$iProductIndex $oFile->aFilesImages[2][$iProduct]["iProduct"];
      if( isset( 
$this->aProducts[$iProductIndex] ) )
$aRandom[] = $iProductIndex;

Regards, MK

» Quick.Cart v3.x

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