Is there any known plugins for 3.4 that does what bandedCouriers did? Found it at:,en,18.html?sDir=Quick.Cart/plugins/archive
I havn't tried the plugin, but it sounds nice to me. I want to be able to charge customers the price of delivery that they actualy need to pay, not let em choose waether or not their package is half a kilo or 100 grams...
It seems like this small webshop have potential, only need a few tweaks then I think I might go live with it :)
Hi, I've already made some changes like this for several people, nothing drastic, only minor improvements of how QC works here. Perhaps if you were more specific in desctription of your needs, I could at least tell you if it's possible to be done quickly or more serious work is required.
BTW, banded couriers will probably never work for QC 3.x but it perhaps can be modified to include similar functionality.
Well, I donøt want to call customers up and tell em they made a wrong choise in choosing delivery. So, what could be done is making available payments desided on the price the customer have to pay for the products he have selected. Example: Customer 1 selects products for 50 dkr Customer 2 selects products for 300 dkr
Now, customer 1 only have for around 100 gram of delivers, making price for the shipment lets say 20 dkr. Customer 2 have around 550 gram, making price for the shipment 50 dkr.
So, if customers needs to pay more then lets say 250 dkr for the product, then they should only be given the posibility of delivery above 500g for 50dkr, not delivery of 20 dkr for max 250g.
Does this make sense? :)
Do you do small scripts and such for people beholder? And is it pricy? :) I got a few ideas for some stuff that I wouldnt mind paying a bit for, but can't afford going full out and have a designer/webprogrammer do it all from scratch...
That's the point: not to do it from the scratch, use a hack or two to get some more of the QC that what it allows now.
Hmm.. From what you have described, it looks like you could use the EXT version which actually has the weight options built in: It's not that expensive, in my opinion. I have still expanded the delivery options in the EXT version for a client from Australia so I will be able to share those edits for free if you decide to go with the EXT version (these are small adjustments based on functionality of the EXT version).
As for other mods, I might have a thing or two done here, so if you really need something, do contact me using information here:
Ok. Well, I've ctualy been sitting up all night thinking about going for the pro version, but looked over the ext version nd I see the stock availability is something I could love as well, so might end up going for the ext version afterall!
Unfurtenately, the admin part of the ext version is down atm so cant test it out as I would love to... but, if I can get a test and it ooks ok, then I think I run for that, because pro was really neat. Hoping I might be able to itegrate DIBSor PBS creditcard charges in it, and then everything is up and well!
Will contact you! Is that tyler or the marek e-mail I should write to? ;)