lastProduct(s) in scrollbox (animated, moving)


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2009-12-26 08:46

I would like to put more than one product in lastProduct box in some animated way, like scrollbox.
The first part almost done with

$sLastProduct2 = $oProduct->throwLastProduct();
$sLastProduct3 = $oProduct->throwLastProduct();

in default.php and


in container.tpl

But that's all, what I know now... :'(

Someone tried the thing before?

» Quick.Cart v3.x


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2009-12-26 11:04

Maybe it is something like random products:


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2009-12-26 19:56

Hi kalanta!

As I saw that topic is about how to add randomProduct (or lastProduct) on main page, and a little help to put more than one randomProduct there.

Well, it is still working for me, I can display 3 or more products with the solution what I wrote in my first post. But I would like to do it in ONE BOX: u could see only one product in time, and the next one animating after that, and so on. If u understand what I want to say...



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2009-12-26 22:32

I understand you... maybe. Maybe it could be something like this:
<marquee direction="up" style="height:200px;">


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2009-12-27 15:33

Thanks kalanta!

Almost done! :)) Only problem is the whole lastProduct box is moving with the title, and with the box background. Is it possible to move only the product's picture and detail?

Or somehow make an extra background exactly behind that box, so hide the whole box moving thingy.


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2009-12-27 16:02

Put the title above MARQUEE.

<div class="type">Naujiena</div>
<marquee direction="up" style="height:200px;" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();">

You can change your background etc by editing your #lastProduct styles.


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2009-12-27 17:04

Thank you very much, I will "finish" from here.


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2010-06-17 11:39

Talk about reviving an old thread...
Hi, you've helped me alo with this one. But How do I display 3 different new products?

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