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Avatar: beholder

2009-04-13 15:20

I was thinking what could be the next evolutionary step for QC 4, and I think I found it: it is the caching feature.

All product/category pages would be automatically cached, with a possibility to:
1. option to turn off cache totally,
2. option to set the auto cache refresh interval (after this time QC will make a page refresh AFTER that page is hit)
3. a possibility to refresh the individual pages of products/category/other page. I am writing in plural, because it would be all of the product/category pages split with [break] or with 1,2,3,.. when there is category with many products.
4. a possibility to clear whole cache/refresh all pages.
5. options to cache individual page features: menu1,menu2,menu3, column1, head, foot, etc.

This should not be that difficult to program... there already are caching mechanisms in competitive open source products, it should be possible to adapt some of their approaches to this.

Please let me know what are your thoughts on this, and I don't mean just Treewood but the users too. Of course, his opinion is most welcome.

» Quick.Cart v3.x


Avatar: beholder

2009-04-13 15:23

some clarification for point #3: I mean to refresh cache of the pages manually.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2009-04-14 07:45

beholder - thanks for suggestion. we have in plans cache option in QC v4.x :) but we dont know yet when we will work with v4.x


Avatar: beholder

2009-04-15 00:30

Great :-) just make sure there are at least those options implemented that I have described earlier, otherwise you'll have this forum full of feature requests.

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