Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dblistordersstatus(


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2005-03-01 16:11

When i change the orderstatus in admin, i see this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dblistordersstatus() in
/core/orders-admin.php on line 28

Any Suggestions?

I use QuickCard Version 2.5


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2005-03-01 16:20

Another Fatal error:

I´ve installed the productsInRow PlugIn in QuickCardVersion 2.5
After aktivte the PlugIn, here it comes:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare throwproductsdata() (previously declared in /plugins/productAttributes/productAttributes.php:201) in /plugins/productsInRow/productsInRow.php on line 19

What have I did wrong? Any Suggestion?


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2005-03-01 19:45

In plugins/plugins.php, the productsInRow plugin needs to be included BEFORE the productAttributes plugins.


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2005-03-01 20:28

Tahnx God it´s Wizzud!!
Great PlugIns - and fast Help! Thanks for this.
Any Idea for my first Fatal error?

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dblistordersstatus() in
/core/orders-admin.php on line 28

Thank you again thomas


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2005-03-02 10:32

I have a possibility, although I'm not sure why it should have any effect unless there is a plugin that redefines dbListOrdersSearch.
Any way, there seems to be a (minor) bug/typo in core/orders-ff.php at about line 249. Before defining a function the code always checks to see if it has already been defined. Unfortunately the check does not correspond to the intended definition here. You need to change line 249 from

if( !function_exists( 'dbListOrdersSearch' ) ){
* Pobieranie z bazy zamowien z wybranym statusem
* @return array
function dbListOrdersStatus( $iStatus ){


if( !function_exists( 'dbListOrdersStatus' ) ){
* Pobieranie z bazy zamowien z wybranym statusem
* @return array
function dbListOrdersStatus( $iStatus ){

(the additional 5 lines are shown purely so that you know you are changing the correct line)

As I said above, I'm not sure that this will have the right effect because dbListOrdersSearch is actually defined after dblistOrdersStatus so the incorrect if statement would normally have no effect. Try it anyway.


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2005-03-02 11:45

I have changed the Line and it works! Thanx again - greetings thomas


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2005-05-23 15:58

I just want to to confirm that the change to:
if( !function_exists( 'dbListOrdersStatus' ) ){
works for me also. And should maybe be added to stable tree.

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