TIP: How to easily modify 3.0 for working "offline"


Avatar: beholder

2008-06-28 18:50

Hello guys. This is a great tip for those webmasters who still prepare their site for launch, but they need to work on it online and they can only use one FTP location, the one where the final site will be. Here we go:

1. Edit filename of the file "index.php" to something else, for example "index_xxx.php".
2. create a new file "index.htm" and put following content in it:

This site is offlineIt will be available soon.

3. edit file templates/admin/container.tpl and change line

<iframe src="http://opensolution.org/news,$config[language],$config[version].html"></iframe>

to this (substitute the site for your site):

<iframe src="http://yoursite.com/index_xxx.php"></iframe>

4. The webshop will now not display on your site, but you can see and navigate through it via administration, in the iframe window. If you want to make the iframe window bigger, edit "#news iframe" in the templates/admin/style.css.

After this modification, the webshop will be offline, but you can still work with it via administration or when you navigate directly to:

» Quick.Cart v3.x

QC v3.0


Avatar: beholder

2009-02-03 20:32


Next time please look into FAQ first.


Avatar: beholder

2009-02-03 20:33

damn, wrong thread


No avatar

2009-11-06 07:48

I just changed the name of the index file to _index.php

then I wrote another index file similer to above:

This site is offline. It will be available soon.

called it index.php and uploaded it to home directory

then in one browser i open up www.websitename.com/_index.php to view the website

and in another browser I open up www.websitename.com/admin to edit and make changes.

then when i refresh the first browser i can see the new changes as i go.

impeach obama

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