payment module


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2005-03-01 11:15

i would like to create a payment module for the community, but my question is how do i do this?

I am proficeint in php etc, but i do not understand the structure of quick cart yet

do i create this as a pugin or..


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2005-03-03 13:38

have you had any luck with the payment modual yet ? from what i see I think it would be best as a plugin
I am pretty new to this and actually am looking for someone to help with
some php issues on my sites
I am easy to contact
my nick is Eire and can be found at the link below


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2005-03-03 13:40

have you had any luck with the payment modual yet ? from what i see I think it would be best as a plugin
I am pretty new to this and actually am looking for someone to help with
some php issues on my sites
I am easy to contact
my nick is Eire and can be found at the link below
hmm i put your nick in there thinking iwas answering to you :(
this is my forum where you can pm me



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2005-03-03 15:07

hmm, i don't really know how modules work - if i did then i would be reating loads of different payment modules!

If any one would care to explain how they work, it would be of great benefit to this community!


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2005-07-29 10:37

I´m interested about those modules too, and i tried to create my own but same problem; i don´t understad how.. :/


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2005-07-29 11:13

I'm interested too! I know a little php
And I'm getting the structure too


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2005-08-23 23:06

I'm interested to payment module , and my problem is the same : structure of plugins.


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2005-08-24 23:04

Hi, code to make a paypal Payment have been posted her before, and it seems to work on some sites. maby someone could make a plugin from that code


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