
Quick.Cart v3.0-rc2 - NON STABLE version - released!

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2008-03-12 13:20

New Quick.Cart v3.0 - release candidate 2.

You can get this version from download here:

You can test this version here:

Changes in v3.0 are here:

From v3.0-rc1 we changed especially differences between displaying in different browsers. Please check differences in different browsers like safari, opera, internet explorer, fire fox, netscape etc.

2. Update script from Quick.Cart v2.x to Quick.Cart v3.x we will add after stable version will be released.
3. We dont know sure when stable version will be released. It depends from users and test. Maybe in 0.5-1 month


Avatar: beholder

2008-03-12 15:11

installing right now


Avatar: jeroenz20

2008-03-13 09:09

Can you tell me when you are going to solve the flickering black screen everytime you load the main page, or some other page?

What I mean is that a big black surface flickers to the top left when you load some pages.

That's also visible in QuickCMS.


Avatar: beholder

2008-03-13 13:13

Yes, I noticed that too, it'probably caused by the onload event of the damn lightbox script.
In latest opera beta build it takes about top half of the screen, flickers once for about 1/4 second, disappears.

Yesterday it happened every time, perhaps it's more visible on SLOW computers. I can't replicate it today on a fast computer. It didn't happen on IE6 SP2. BTW this particular Opera of mine has a bug that slows the browser, from then on the browser takes 95 percent of processor time. That's when the bug appears the best. I think.


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2008-03-13 22:51

update button in cart doesn't work if qty = 0.
delete button works fine though.


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2008-03-14 14:38

Greenpotatochip - it didnt worked in older version and now. if you want change o quantity 0 then you want to delete. for deletion is "delete" link.


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2008-03-14 16:51

When loading the /shop/admin.php page, the news come up like this:

"New skins to Quick.Cms
We heve published two new, freeware skins to Quick.Cms v2.0. see more »"

...and so on. but when I click on the "see more »" button


the page says: Nie znaleziono danych

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2008-03-14 16:51

oh, and on the top of the page:

ERROR - NO TEMPLATE FILE os/templates/messages.en.tpl

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treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2008-03-17 09:27

FoTam74 - thanks. fixed!


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2008-03-17 10:58

One question ( I know how to solve it with previous versions like 2.2)

How to set the number of decimals after the price?

- Instead of 2400.00 EUR I'd like only 2400 EUR.

Thank you.

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2008-03-18 09:14

FoTam74 - you can use description to previous version:
There changed only names of files - in first step you should use core/common.php file and in second - core/common.js


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2008-03-18 10:26

Is it okay if I build up my store on RC2 and then update to final easily. Or is the final version very close?
(Very nice script btw. Thanks!)


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2008-03-18 10:29

Lightview would be also nice to use for gallery


Avatar: Frans123

2008-03-19 21:45

Hello to the good people of

I think I found a little bug, but correct me if i'm wrong.

After clicking a product, the categories menu collapses again.

for example:
1. I click "walking boots" under categories
2. I click "trekking"
3. I click the product "mandi"
4. now the poducts menu has collapsed again.

I think it should stay open.

that's it
Keep up the good work!!!


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2008-03-20 08:47

Frans123 - no this is not bug. it will stay and if you want to go back you have to options: "back" link under product details or you can click on categories under products name.


Avatar: beholder

2008-03-20 11:12

Is there any guide to plugins in 3.0? I had to hack myself into the main index.php file, because I didn't know how to implement a simple 2.2 plugin.


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2008-03-20 21:10


Avatar: jeroenz20

2008-03-20 22:33

When will the stable release be released?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2008-03-21 12:24

jeroenz20 - maybe in 2-3 weeks. we are moving paid plugins from v2.2 to v3.0 and we still finds some small bugs in v3.0.


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2008-03-21 18:00

Hi ppl really cool script u made so we are all waiting for a new version
I hopes there is a way to get it in switzerland. Is there anyone who can sell it here couse we dont use any credit card paying sistem becouse of ethical princips...?
Any solution or can i by it by any webmaster?
...I would like to put diferent icon to any category in menu uder logo so is that posible to do it couse background is still the same or is it to complicated?
Thanx for greats job u did & all the best.
You are damm cool

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