how to remove courier option?


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2005-02-19 12:06

i would like to disable the option to pick couriers. i only want to charge 1 flat fee for delivery. how do i make it so only the fee that i set is automatically added to the total price?


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2005-02-21 00:26

I've also been looking into this.
How is it possible to disable the Courier option?
I managed to get it 'out' of the code but after doing so I can't get $fSummary info in my order_saved Page, which I need to pass the total amount to Paypal.
Does anyone know how to solve this?


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2005-02-21 01:42

if not to remove it, how do i make it so that my only courier is automatically selected and the fee is already added to the total price?

for example. my ONLY courier is SpeedPost with a fee of $25.
how do i make $25 automaticalyy added to my total price?

Subtotal : $100
Delivery : $25 <-- automatically added.
Total : $125


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2005-02-21 18:00



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2005-02-21 21:35

After lots of searching I found a way to make what you want work.
In the backend make only 1 entry for courier.
Then find and change the following in the orders_delivery.tpl (located in the templates/default directory)

<td class='form_desc_data'>
<select name='iCourier' class='input' onChange='ordersCouriers( this );'>
<option value=''>$lang[choose]</option>

Change With:
<td class='form_desc_data'>
<select name='iCourier' class='input' onChange='ordersCouriers( this );'>


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2005-02-21 21:50

I'm still having a problem on the last page (orders_saved).
When using the solution described above I can't get $fSummary variable to work. Since I use this page to pass information to PayPal it would be nice if the order total could also be passed on.
Is there anyone who has experience in this or know how to edit or change this?


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2005-02-22 09:15

In orders_delivery.tpl change these llines

<!-- END COURIER -->

to this

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">ordersCouriers(document.form['iCourier']);&l t;/script>
<!-- END COURIER -->


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2005-02-22 11:12

awesome. thanks cyberling and wizzud.


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2005-04-06 20:50

Hi wizzud
Read all of above postings.
Tried most of the suggestion, incl. your last one.
Still doesn't work. Could you perhaps compile working guidelines for this?
I have seen the same question (unanswered) elsewhere in forum
thks million



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2005-04-09 23:25

Look now. I did it again!
Just a typing error all.
The above two latest suggestions (zyberling+wizzud) does work
if applied both together!
greetings all



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2005-04-13 18:46

Tried this but does not work. Show me only the courier but it's impossible to make it automatically add the desired amout to the order...

Any suggestion?


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2005-05-03 16:29

andrea looks like a typo try this

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">ordersCouriers(document.form['iCourier']);&l t;/script>


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2005-05-03 16:30

for some reason its stripping my slashes on the forum

get rid of
&l t;/script>

and replace it with </script>

should work fine.

Just A Newbie

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2005-08-21 17:32

can't get it to work either....then again I'm using the "loaded" version....
the changes appear to be made in the taxAnddiscount.tpl....but there is no

<!-- END COURIER -->

The one courier cost is being added but not showing in the totals.....

?? Where to from here?



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2006-08-21 04:18

I've got a quick fix for this -

Set a courier option in admin - eg. "None" $0.00

Then edit the orders_delivery.tpl file:

around line 89 where the Courier drop down option box is, replace with a hidden field as such:

<input type="hidden" name="iCourier" value="1|0.00" />

The "value" field above is the courier option for my setup - yours might be different - of course, if you want to add a flat fee, then this would do it as well if you set up your courier with a fee.

Make sure you remove the Courier: tag on the form as well change the field to hidden as above, and it will vanish and also process the Courier option as a hardwired choice. Works for me!

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