[template] head.tpl


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2005-02-17 23:45

Hi there,

I`ve got a little problem with my header template. I would like to integrate the shop in my webshop (currently running on localhost) but if I make a change in the head template the layout will stretch. Is there a way to keep the sizes regular but without the links in the head ?

greetz Marcel


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2005-02-18 02:54

give your link so we can see it :p


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2005-02-19 00:07

I would like to but it`s only running on localhost so that`s a little problem.

Maybe i can draw the problem :)

if i don`t make any changes in the layout
| | <------- head
| |content |
| | |<-------- body and menu
-----------------------<-------- FOOTER

if I change the links in the headerfile this happens

| | <------- head
| | |
| | |<-------- body and menu
-----------------------<-------- FOOTER

I am teying for a week right now but i can`t figure out what` s the problem .....



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2005-02-19 13:40

Looks like you're messing up the <TABLE> declarations. If the content suddenly shifts from 'above' to 'under' , that's usually the case.

Check the original head.tpl against your modified one. Print them out and carefully examine where the differences are. It could just be one forgotten </tr> or something like that.

Same issue occurring...

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2005-12-16 05:56

I've looked thru all of the HTML and I can't see anything wrong... Even when I just remove $sContentSites...??? The content shifts to the bottom... Any help would be greatly appreciated...


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