Greek ANSI Language for v2.2


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2007-07-17 21:20

Hi.. i made the greek language file for the quick.cart v2.2
it is coded in ANSI and iso-8859-7

can be found here
(pm me or e-mail me [] for password)

and here is the .zip structure.. :
-> [folder] Greek_ansi_4_Quick.Cart_v2.2
-> -> -> -> [folder] config
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> [file] lang_gr.php --greek setting file--
-> -> -> -> [folder] db
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> [files] --copied from en_* to gr_* temporary products--
-> -> -> -> [folder] lang
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> [file] gr.php --greek language file--

That's it..!

Hope you enjoy it!

» Quick.Cart v2.x

-= Carpe Noctem =-

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