What would you like to see in Quick.Cart?


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2007-01-03 13:56

What would you like added or changed in Quick.Cart?

Say, things like, sub-sub-categories, or the infamous stock-control, or something else?

For me, personally, I could really use sub-subcategories.



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2007-01-04 03:18

I would like to see some good documentation about how to create plugins for additional payment processors, like Authorize.net.

The version of quick cart that includes PayPal is nice, but since it is not a pure plugin, it would be tedious to upgrade when the next version of quick cart comes out.


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2007-01-04 08:01

I would like a Stock Control plugin


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2007-01-04 10:34

- stock plugin
my shop is 0.31 with stock control, but I can't use many plugins with it...

- newsletter
- order by price


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2007-01-04 11:00

indeed, sorting options would be good, like having a price, name and article number field to sort with.



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2007-01-04 17:03

maybe a paypal option? Nicely integrated into the admin panel so you can enter your paypal ID and so on directly in the admin/configuration instead off hardcoded.


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2007-01-04 21:47

There is lots off things i'd like to see in Quick Cart

- Automatet invoice in PDF or email format to customers email (i would pay or donate for this option, and i would give all the details how to make the invoice and calculate the reference number)

- Sum off every order in its row in orders page

- Finnish banking modules (i would pay for this if somebody do this)

- log file where u can see when some order is updatet by admin (so u know when it is send to customer)

- newsletter option in order page (where customer can fill if he wants newsletter from store)

- Transformation tool that can be used to transfer Quick Carts order and customer files to another format (excel or sql)


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2007-01-04 23:12

ability to put different shipping rates with different items instead of only having a couple set options (or is this already possible? I dont know...I am new to using quick cart - if it is, can someone let me know how to do it - chris[at]chrispund.com THANKS)


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2007-01-05 19:39


newsletter option in order page (where customer can fill if he wants newsletter from store)
you see this topic




Avatar: idaryl

2007-01-06 02:33

The ability to change the design/look/interface of QC, if you dont know php or css, you are basically hosed.. :-P


Avatar: Oxana

2007-01-11 02:54

as for me most off all need:
- form builder plugin for ability add many custom email-forms
- ability add extra fields for product description
(in ProductAttribute plugin except "user input attribute" perhaps add also "admin input attribute" or so...)
- ability make custom design for start page (stand-alone template for start-page)


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2007-01-12 05:31

for me, i would like these features:

- stock control
- variation in product (eg. size, color)
- function to migrate to mySQL
- order product by price
- form creation
- more flexibility in designing template


Avatar: rdc_p2

2007-05-05 00:20

I am á newbe, but try to use QC 1.4, do not like 2.0. I would like to se a plugin that integrate paypal, so you dón´t need to put code in your self.
That would help werry much.



Avatar: rdc_p2

2007-05-05 00:20

Sorry for my writing, I am Danish



Avatar: idaryl

2007-05-07 12:57

The ability to incorporate (bought) plugins easier - Having to start all over again with new setups and new carts after purchasing plugins is a real pain.

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