Having probs getting the StartPageCategories v0.1.2 plugin to work


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2006-12-30 07:21

Hi everyone,

What I am needing is some way to fix the main start page as a category page I have set up, it looks as if the StartPageCategories v0.1.2 plugin is the way to go, but...

I am having probs getting the StartPageCategories v0.1.2 plugin to work. I have done everything up to the last step. I do not understand the last step, there is no reference to start page in the general.php file. Here is the installation procedures:

step 1) create directory "startPageCategories" in plugins directory (plugins/startPageCategories/)
step 2) copy file "actions_client.php" to "plugins/startPageCategories/" directory
step 3) edit file "plugins/actions_client.php", copy 1 line below and paste to "plugins/actions_client.php" file:
require DIR_PLUGINS.'startPageCategories/actions_client.php';
step 4) copy categories_start_page.tpl to directory where You store templates. default is: "templates/default/"
setp 5) start page in "config/general.php" cant be 'productsList'. variable $config['start_page']

The site I am editing is here: http://www.nzgraphicdesign.com


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2006-12-30 07:25

The page I want to set as the start page is:


Any help is greatly welcomed :)


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2006-12-30 22:01

Or is there an alternative and simpler way of doing this?

I need the start page to be a category page instead of being a product page.

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