It seems that I cant insert a site stats counter. Its java script (included). I trytu insert it in the same line where "Powered by..." is. But nothing shows up. Whats wrong ? I inserted it after <div id="foot"> then after <div class="powered"> but nothing changes, but when I open my site in explorer there is script lines ir suorce.
2 admin - delete this post, because now its only trash...
2006-12-03 01:25
You could share with us if it can't work or if it did how you made it work.
2006-12-03 09:33
There is error in this counter code. I dont know where, just copied correct code from counter provider. Inserted in page.tpl file. In line, where "Powered by..." is I inserted a table of 1 row and 2 colums, in first column inserted counter code, in second inserted "powered by...". That way I got possibility to set left and right positions for counter and "Powered". Second (serv. stat.) and third (darb.mail.) are inserted same way, in left table side just after the counter code. If something is not clear feel free to ask. Code from page.tpl (part from <div id="foot"> to the end, and there is a table of 1 x 3, the middle column is not necessary, but I will use it later so its here)