paypal & "Tax & Discount"


Avatar: stefano

2006-11-17 16:45

Please help me. I'm using QK 1.3 with plugin Tax & Discount ver 2.2. Now i'm using Paypal Payment as described in topic: "". Now when i choose to pay with Paypal, Tax (Vat) is not added into total of cost. Please someone can help me?

If someone want to contact me my email is or Thanks a lot.

Greetigns from Salento


Avatar: Claps

2006-11-20 10:09

stefano - the taxAndDiscount plugin writes data in a separate file in db folder. Paypal integration described there is html only and makes use of core cart php variables which not include tax and discount variables. Until a plugin is written for paypal integration, the only way I can think now is to remake calculation of VAT with a JavaScript function and to pass value to paypal code.


Avatar: stefano

2006-11-21 16:14

Hy Claps and thanks for suggestion. What do you think if i calculate VAT Recharge with a Mathemathical Function in HTML? I nedd add 20% to the cost of total. If you think it's possible, please give me a suggest. (I'm not good to make it). And excuse me for my english. Thanks.

Greetings from SaLento

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