Images Fail


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2005-01-07 20:53

When i try to select an image for a product or category shows this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ImageCreateFromJPEG() in E:WebmasterMy IntranetAndreaQuickCartlibrariesFotoJobs.php on line 264



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2005-01-09 12:14

I had a similar problem and then discovered the Server's PHP configuration did not include GD2 image support.

First, ensure you have php_gd2.dll availible to Apache.

find the php.ini config file (often in Apache2, but could reside in other system locations)

In php.ini find : ; extension=php_gd2.dll and uncomment it out (remove the ;)

Stop and restart Apache server. All should now be well.

Regards... Noele


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2005-11-20 04:18

give up!!! I have tried this script on 3 servers and the same problem...there comes a time when all webmasters know when it's time to dump a script...

wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2005-11-22 14:33

what your admin says about that gd2 library?

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