Basket needs to start with 10 products


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2006-10-18 14:15

Hi there,
the basket need to start with 10 instead of 1 products. Any idea where to change that detail?


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2006-10-18 15:23

I don't know if it works but try to find products_more in templates and find this line

"<input type="text" name="iQuantity" value="1" maxlength="3" size="2" /><br />"

edit the value to 10 and it should work

"<input type="text" name="iQuantity" value="10" maxlength="3" size="2" /><br />"


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2006-10-18 15:26

Yes it works for me ;-)


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2006-10-18 22:24

yeah , it works! thanks.

But you need to change this in "ordersBasket", too ( <fieldset><input type="text" name="aElements[$aList[iElement]]" value="$aList[iQuantity]" maxlength="3" size="2" /></fieldset>) &#8211; because of the preview on the "list products" site. Do you know, where that "$aList[iQuantity]" comes from?


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2006-10-18 22:42

ok, i got it. one has to change all the numbers in each and every template that is showing the products (in "templates"). R.


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2006-10-19 10:58

why brille will it help if you wright it on danish?

do you have a link?

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