how to put 2 different currencies ?


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2006-10-18 10:58

hi there
i have a little problem, i don't know how to put 2 currencies and two prices to one product. for example euro and dollar - prices will be different (1 euro / 1,5 dol)... i could do 2 versions of the shop but i think that this problem can be solved in more reasonable way...

please write your idaes, i have lack of php knowledge to solve it...

thx in advance and take care


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2006-10-18 11:42

If you look further down the forum you will see this question has already been raised :-)


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2006-10-18 14:23

hi ned
yeah... i've seen a few questions around my problem but each of them doesn't solve my problem in 100%. i need to put second currency but also other prine to the same product... i hope that you know what i mean... maybe i'm wrong and there is answer on this question, if you found it please paste here a link to this topic

thx in advance again

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