Any way to end session upon placement of order?


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2006-10-18 07:11

Hi there,

In testing QC on my work's system before I the users at it, I've been placing several dummy orders.

Here's the process;
- place an order and get the "Thank you" screen
- immediately place another order

Here's what I've noticed:
- session doesn't seem to terminate
- previous order is still in the cart
- this next order replaces the previous order in the "Orders" db
- only way to end the session is to restart the whole browser

Is there any way to have the session end as soon as the order is placed? That way customers could place multiple orders if they forgot something the first time. Right now they'd place an "add-on" order, get an email confirmation, but I would never see the first order.


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-10-18 14:26

src - please test it here:

I have tested:
- added 1 product to basket
- finished order
- added another product to basket and i see only 1 product not 2 from basket before

All works ok

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