php in to .tpl


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2006-10-09 19:58


I understand that I cant put php directly into a .tpl file. I am have a few problems creating a tag to go in to the order_basket.tpl to run my small php snippet.

I want the next>> button to only show under certain circumstances. The code I am using is :

$hour date("H");
if (
"<img src=\"templates/img/finished.gif\" width=\"80\" height=\"16\" />"
elseif (
"<fieldset><input type=\"submit\" name=\"sSave\" value=\"Buy Now &raquo;\" class=\"submit\


"<img src=\"templates/img/min_value.gif\" width=\"80\" height=\"16\" />"

would someone be able to tell me how to process the php external to the .tpl file and then pull in the result please.

Best regards,


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-10-10 10:10

calj - change echo to $sVariable and put this variable $sVariable in some tpl for example templates/page.tpl to see result

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