
Multiple prices for a product


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2006-10-09 17:02

Hello. I want to create this, on my website:
It's possible? I install productAttributes but isn't what i need. Thanks


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2006-10-09 17:27

Ye, that is what I am looking for also..? I installed also product Attributes, but that is not working for my I think, or I mean that I think it is working, but that doesn't to the trick like in the picture. Am i right?

Code off son


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2006-10-09 17:36

The plugin is working but i didn't know what to configure... the trick :P


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2006-10-09 18:32

So you got it working now Mad? Can you give me few advices how to configure? Pleeeeeeeaaase :)

Life without coding is pretending


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2006-10-09 18:39

I want to create a plugin for this...


Avatar: Claps

2006-10-09 18:46

mad, vertti - quick tip: define attributes group (eg: sizes), and in this group define elements (eg: smal, medium, large), check percent option and define offsets (eg: small - 50%, medium-100% etc.), and add the corresponding attributes to products.
It is not showed in products details as checkgroup but as dropdown list.


Avatar: Claps

2006-10-09 18:47

See here how I did it: rBook-17-inch-1.67GHz


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2006-10-09 18:55

Claps, esti nebun :)). Mersi mult :)


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2006-10-09 19:01

Claps, nu imi poti da o adresa de e-mail unde te pot contacta? Ma gandeam la o comunitate Quick.Cart Romania, cu site, forum. Pot sa promovez scriptul pe paginile mele. Poate ca ar fi mai multi voluntari care sa ofere ajutor. Cum e si cu phpBB :)


Avatar: Claps

2006-10-09 19:10

mad - ar fi o chestie, da n-am prea vazut romani pe forum, si site-uri in Romania sunt destul de putinele. Plus ca trebuie hosting, domeniu etc. pe care de unde??? Eu fac asta (QC loaded) free, in timpul liber (care e destul de putin, am 2 servicii pe moment).
poti sa ma contactezi pe,


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2006-10-09 20:28

So guide me in this one please, because I don't understand what you mean..sorry.. Just a newbie.

So there is not any view, where to select attributes, but I can make those somehow, or what?

Life without coding is pretending


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2006-10-09 21:01

Vertti, i can't open the link.


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2006-10-09 21:10

Does it work now?

Basically, my problem is that I don't know what link to click or what to do in the admin-menu? Or if that is the solver to my mystery.

Here is my training-site with the shop.

Life without coding is pretending


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2006-10-09 21:38

First of all, you must install Plugin Manager
1. Unzip the archive
2. Copy the "config", "plugins" and "templates" directories into your shop
3. Open with Wordpad the file actions_admin.php from plugins directory, and, after <?php, on a new line, paste [code]require DIR_PLUGINS.'pluginManager/actions_admin.php';[/code]
4. Save the file
5. Open with Wordpad the file actions_client.php from plugins directory, and, after <?php, paste the code [code]require DIR_PLUGINS.'pluginManager/actions_client.php';[/code]
6. Save the file
7. Open the file plugins.php from plugins directory, and on the first line after <?php, paste the code [code]require DIR_PLUGINS.'pluginManager/pluginManager.php';[/code]
8. Save the file
9. Open the file page.tpl from /templates/admin directory
10. Replace [code]<a class="menuButton" href="?p=otherConfig" >$lang[configuration]</a>[/code] with [code]
<a class="menuButton" href="?p=otherConfig" onmouseover="return buttonClick(event, 'configuration'); buttonMouseover(event, 'configuration');">$lang[configuration]</a>[/code]
11. Then look a couple of lines down from there, for a line containing just "</div>",and immediately below this line paste the following 3 lines
[code]<div id="configuration" class="menu" onmouseover="menuMouseover( event );">
<a class="menuItem" href="?p=pluginsEdit"><span class="menuItemText">$lang[plugins]</span></a>
</div> [/code]
12. Save the file
You can access the Plugin Manager from admin panel. Don't forget to give to plugins directory CHMOD 777


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2006-10-09 21:39

Oh, sorry, don't paste the [code][/code] tags. My fault. Now let's install the plugin :)


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2006-10-09 21:46

Download the archive from
1. Unzip the archive
2. Copy "db", "templates" and "plugins" directories into your shop
3. Now open with wordpad the file page.tpl from templates/admin directory
4. Search the <div class="Menubar"> and after this paste the code
<a class="menuButton" href="?p=attributesList" onmouseover="return buttonClick(event, 'attributes'); buttonMouseover(event, 'attributes');">$lang[attributes]</a>
5. After the <a class="menuButton" href="?p=logout">$lang[logout]</a> </div>, paste

<div id="attributes" class="menu" onmouseover="menuMouseover( event );">
<a class="menuItem" href="?p=attributesForm"><span class="menuItemText">$lang[Add_attribute]</span></a>
6. Save the file
7. Go to admin panel and from plugins, enable the productAttributes plugin.


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2006-10-09 22:49

Ca sa nu mai deschid un topic nou, intreb aici... se poate sterge procentul "%" din pagina cu produsul? De exemplu am o planta de 1 metru si nu mai vreau sa apara intre paranteze (100%). M-am uitat prin surse dar nu prea am gasit nimic. Mersi


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2006-10-09 22:56

Thanks Mad, that you have been so patience with me, but I am so lost sometimes with php, because I am just starting..

So, I have come a long way now and done something right. As you can see from my link here. Still got plenty of work to do? What should I do next. I am pretty rired and can not concentrate so well anymore, but if you still can help me boys..?! :)

Life without coding is pretending


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2006-10-09 23:01

Mad, you said-"You can access the Plugin Manager from admin panel. Don't forget to give to plugins directory CHMOD 777"

Do I have to chmod just the plugins directory (which I've done), or all the files inside that?

Now I've only chmodded the plugins directory.

Life without coding is pretending


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2006-10-09 23:10

So I tried to add the missing pluginManager.TPL and no the message is this in my admin-menu:

Laalalalalaa. Coding is fun.

Life without coding is pretending

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