config/general.php hack


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2006-10-08 19:34


my question is, is it posible to hack the config/general.php ?
becouse that I think that someone is playing whiht me, who knows maybe I'm wrong



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2006-10-08 20:33

I don't know how but I think it is possible unofortunately. I've seen software available to encrypt php files from hackers. I would suggest finding some encryption software (although I don't know if this would mess up the QuickCart config?) or change your password on a regular basis.


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2006-10-08 20:57

but is it posible to show the general.php file not using admin login?


Avatar: sergeh

2006-10-08 22:11

even if someone can see config.php which is impossible because nothing is being outputed from that page, there's no way someone can modify the contents.

The only way that's possible is for someone to do it straight from the admin panel


Avatar: sergeh

2006-10-08 22:12

or has access to your ftp


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2006-10-08 22:16

ok thanks

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