Credit Card


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2005-01-04 03:23

Please help me... i want to add a credit card function... but i am horrible at programming PHP. If anyone else set up a page with a credit card form... please let me know how you did.... (seeing the code would be great!!!) i've read the other posts... and messed around..think i may have made things worse off. Please let me know what to do.. Idiots Guide would be great. BTW This program rocks!


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2005-01-04 09:30

I have a way to accept credit card numbers and expiry dates. What are you offering for the scripts?

My email is

Here are some screenshots of my c/c fields.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2005-01-04 16:36

it is safe?


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2005-01-04 20:41

I have the 'Next' button on the Basket page linked to my SSL Cert, so each and every page after the Basket page is secure.

Loaded a demo site, See for yourself at link below.


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2005-01-16 19:25

Awesome! Can I have this also please?

my email is



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2005-12-18 11:05

the link is broken the is no demo there

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