renaming admin.php


Avatar: datel

2006-10-05 16:11

I have read in this forum that is better for security to rename file admin.php. But when I renamed this file the shop stoped to work correctly. There were some problems with plugins. I am novice in PHP. What to do?
I use loaded version 1.3.
Thank you.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-10-05 16:40

datel - give here this errors


Avatar: datel

2006-10-09 07:17

Admin.php is now OK. Thank you.
But I have another problem.
I tried running my shop in my computer and everything was OK, but now when I uploaded the shop to the server I cannot use the basket. I push the button but nothing happens. Server can work with php. Do you have an idea?


Avatar: Claps

2006-10-09 12:15

datel - check the list for chmod'ing 777 files and folders. seems that you missed a step or two.


Avatar: datel

2006-10-09 16:39

I'm sorry and thank you very much. It's running.

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