How to make a hyperlink into a item that appears on page


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2006-10-05 05:21

I want to take this here:

<a href="javascript:windowNew('?p=productsWindowMore&amp;iProduct=$aData[iProduct]');" id="print">$lang[print]</a>

and make it into an item that appears on the page teh code is on and take the link out of it.

Any idea's how to do this?

Basically I found that when this link is launched it displays all the chosen attributes of the product and i want to put this in the product description field on the pages so i dont' have to type in the descriptions for everything.


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2006-10-07 08:53

Never mind...i figured it out thanks to you all.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-10-07 09:33

chrepair - then please share about it to other


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2006-10-07 20:25

Ok, i made this with an iframe. I hate iframes because they are IE only but this is the only way I know how to do it. I am ne to PHP, CSS and JS so this is the best I could do.

Edit your pa.products_more.tpl page. I made some other modificatinos to the code to make it look like I wanted it too. There is alot of extra garbage in here to fill in spoaces and things and it is not very pretty but it works. Like I said, I am not a coder so I hafta play with things to get it to work. I am learning though.

I left the top and bottom snippets of the origonal code in this example so you can see where I made the modifications on the pa.products_more.tpl page.

This allows the (what was) print option link to be displayed on the page. I noticed the print option showed all available attributes. With further playing with the site I took the tables out of the attributes dispalyed and changed the font size so that it shows in a neat little box below the product. The only problem I have now is that CSS won't do text wraps and if I have products with 20 or 30 attributes then it will go off the page. I am worknig on this though too. If anyone knows how to get a text wrap with CSS please let me know.

<p><b><font size="2">&nbsp;Click Picture to Enlarge Image</font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="2">&nbsp;Available Sizes, Colors, Accessories & Price</font></b></p>
<div align="top"><iframe id="datamain" src="?p=productsWindowMore&amp;iProduct=$aData[iProduct]" width="500px" height="100px" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" align="top">
<div class="clear"></div>

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