Want chosen attributes to show in product listings autoamtically


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2006-10-03 04:01

I want the particular attributes I have selected per product to show on the product description. For example, I am selling clothing...my attributes lists are colors and sizes...if i choose 3 colors, black, red, white and 3 sizes, 10,12, 14...I would like this info to automatically show on that products listing in my store...so that I don't have to type this info in for every product I add...this would be a huge time saver.
I was trying to add the code to do this but I am not experienced with PHP or Java enough to know how to do it.
My store is at www.seadienterprises.com and there you can see what I am talking about.
I have my attributes set up for color (many to choose from), size (numbers to choose from), dress (yes/no), hat (yes/no) and purse (yes/no) all in drop downs.
for the dress attribute all I need the listing to say is the attribute name of 'dress' and the same goes for the purse and hat attribute. For the color and size attributes I want it to list all the colors and sizes I have selected for that particualr product. Please note that I don't want all the colors or sizes listed for those attributes but only the ones that I have checked off for that particular product.
I know some of you have a little trouble with english so I am trying to say all this in the easiest english possible...I do need help and would appreciate anything you can tell me and if there is something I typed that you do not understand, PLEASE tell me so I can write it another way that maybe you can understand. I would hate a language barrier stop me from communicating with some seriously intelligent people.
Thanks in advance.


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2006-10-03 22:04

<p><b><font size="5" color="#0000FF"><span style="background-color: #FFFF00">
Does any one have any answers to this?</span></font></b></p>


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2006-10-05 16:23

anyone have any ideas?


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2006-10-17 00:05

i figured it out. thnaks.

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