Not a good beginning


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2006-09-28 11:45

Hi, everybody.

I would like install quick.cart v0.3.1 but i have this line at th beginning Warning: Undefined index: p in core/products.php on line 29

when i go to in core/products.php on line 29 , I have this : $sPage = $_GET['p'];

I try to find solution on your topics but no answer, on your file .pdf (Installation). You don't say there is one action to do at this line ??. It seem easy to install but..

when i try to login with admin, admin nothing i'll stay alredy at the same page.

Have you one solution at this problem?


wewior (OpenSolution)

Avatar: wewior

2006-09-28 14:49

version 0.3.1 is very old version, why dont you install latest version 1.4
on the other hand something must be wrong in your files, because at the top of that function in file core/products.php are lines:

if( !isset( $_GET['page'] ) || !is_numeric$_GET['page'] ) || $_GET['page'] < 
$_GET['page'] = 1;

so there shouldnt be that error...

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