remove doted line?


Avatar: qwerty

2006-09-23 15:11

how do i remove the doted line (discontinued line) between products?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-09-23 16:21

ahhhhhhh qwerty what QC version? first read tips & rules and after ask


Avatar: qwerty

2006-09-24 09:16

it's 1.3 version, and where do i find the "tips & rules" ?


Avatar: qwerty

2006-09-24 09:21

Aha... i have found "rules & tips " in the forum menu... i think i am blind... i searched the file in the download arhive...
I searched the forum to fin an answer on how to remove the doted line and foun no answer, it's not in the css file...


Avatar: jeroenz20

2006-09-24 11:22

In the default css there is this:

dotted black

if you remove that, then it will be ok.

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