Adding pages to pages


Avatar: idaryl

2006-09-22 03:08

I think this is somewhat covered here - however - I'm having trouble following the thread -

What I have is a Cart Instructions page in the main menu system (catagory menu?) and would like to have two more pages linked to that via <a href> links on the pages: so a user can look at other info related - (I'm assuming that you could place all the html stuff inside the php??

I've looked around the dir/s for the page I generated through the admin area but I can't seem to find it - the idea was to copy that page, rename it and place new content in the copy, then have a href link to the new page from the original.



Avatar: Claps

2006-09-22 10:08

idaryl - you can define two sub-categories of Cart instructions (Admin->Category->Add category), paste (or wrote ) the html in long description, and there you are.


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2006-09-22 11:45

Claps, metoda nu merge. Am creat o categorie la "Produse" si am facut un paste la codul html (Descriere intreaga). Daca dau click pe Categoria respectiva spune "Produse inexistente". Daca mut categoria la "Continut", nu o pot accesa. Mi-ar placea mai mult sa integrez tot site-ul in shop: "Despre noi", "Plati". E mai usor de editat. Mersi


Avatar: Claps

2006-09-22 11:51

mad - ia vezi la, prima pagina jos.
Te duci în administrare (admin/admin) , Categories, şi vezi cum am făcut.


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2006-09-22 12:01

Am inteles. Nu accesam bine paginile, de-aia nu imi aparea. Mersi

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